Lydia Bat

Digital Artist - Discord Server Designer - Queen of Mangoes

UPDATE! - 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 | General Support

Any help received will go towards bills or savings for any expenses. Thank you all for the help. It means a lot to me.Any future donations will be put towards bills and possible laptop part upgrades.
*The amount of Ko-fi donations shown below does not reflect this current goal/situation.

About Me

I started out as a normal member of a Discord Community. What led me to begin the work I now do is that this community was slowly falling apart yet I still wanted to stay in touch with people I call family, hence my first Discord Server. As time went by and my understanding of the Discord platform improved I meet people who eventually became friends that I now work with on their own projects. I eventually wanted to add variety aside from the Discord platform and decided to start some Digital Art, and fell in love almost instantly. Alongside that, I have had individuals tell me that despite my limited vocal range that I should start training to become a Voice Actress. I know all of these endeavors are and will continue to be a learning process, processes that I will continue to enjoy for as long as I can.

My Work

I take pride in all my work.
Nobody said anything would be easy.
So I just take what life throws at me and take it all one day at a time.

I would like to express my personal thanks to the following people/groups for having faith in my line of work and the effort they put into helping me make everything I do possible.

  • Starblast Studios

  • Gamer Goku

"If you are determined enough you can turn literally anything into a profitable profession."
-LydiaBat | 2022

Art Gallery

For a complete showcase of the Art Gallery, head on over to Lydia Bat's main website.

Discord Projects

It is my pride and joy to help people build their communities and build something for themselves.
This is more than a hobby to me.
Here are some of the communities I work for and have built myself from scratch.
For a complete list of current and past Discord-related projects and server commission prices, head on over to Lydia Bat's main website.

Social Media / Support

Feel like supporting Lydia Bat directly or any of the communities she works for? Head on over to Lydia Bat's main website.

🦇 Lydia Bat's Merch Store 🦇

Want some merch? Well then head on over to the Merch Store where we have multiple designs with 100+ products available per design!